
This page documents the requirements and steps required to install BYOC Satellites in AWS using Earthly's Terraform module.


Before you begin to provision your BYOC configuration, ensure that you meet the base requirements for installation within AWS.

There are also a few additional requirements you will need to make sure you meet:

  • Terraform is installed, and on your $PATH.

  • An AWS account or role that can create all the resources specified in the module.

  • You have permission to list Terraform outputs.


You can find our module in the public Terraform Registry. If you're curious about what we're provisioning, you can look at our source code.


Place the following code into a file named byoc.tf, in an empty directory:

module "byoc" {
  source  = "earthly/byoc/aws"
  version = "0.0.10"

  cloud_name = "my-cloud"
  subnet = "subnet-0123456789abcde01"

output "my-cloud" {
  value = module.byoc.automatic_installation

Open your terminal, and navigate to the directory with byoc.tf in it. Run terraform init && terraform apply, and inspect the resources it wants to create. If they appear ok, type yes to create them.

After Terraform finishes running, you can link this freshly provisioned infrastructure to an Earthly cloud by running:

earthly cloud install --via terraform --name my-cloud

Assuming the installation reports the status as Green, you should be good to go!

Colocating With Other Terraform Code

You can use the module as explained in Quickstart. However, if you would like to also enable automatic installation, some additional conditions apply:

  1. The installation command is run in the same directory as the module containing your BYOC block.

  2. The automatic_installation output is exported. The name of the output is the value used for the --name parameter.

We recommend that the name of the output matches the name in the cloud_name of the module, to ensure that naming is consistent between AWS, your tooling, and Earthly.

Module Parameters

Module Inputs

Module Outputs

Last updated