
This image contains buildkit with some Earthly-specific setup. This is what Earthly will start when using a local daemon. You can also start it up yourself and use it as a remote/shared BuildKit daemon.

Note that versions of this container have only ever been tested with their corresponding version of earthly. Mismatched versions are unsupported.


Currently, the latest tag is v0.8.13. For other available tags, please check out


Want to just get started? Here are a couple sample docker run commands that cover the most common use-cases:

Simple Usage (Use Locally)

docker run --privileged -t -v earthly-tmp:/tmp/earthly:rw earthly/buildkitd:v0.7.19

Heres a quick breakdown:

  • --privileged is required. This is because earthly needs some privileged buildkit functionality.

  • -t tells Docker to emulate a TTY. This makes the buildkit log output colorized.

  • -v earthly-tmp:/tmp/earthly:rw mounts (and creates, if necessary) the earthly-tmp Docker volume into the containers /tmp/earthly. This is used as a temporary/working directory for buildkitd during builds.

Assuming you are running this on your machine, you could use this buildkitd by setting EARTHLY_BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://<container-name>, or by specifying the appropriate values in config.yml.

Usage (Use As Remote)

docker run --privileged -t -v earthly-tmp:/tmp/earthly:rw -e BUILDKIT_TCP_TRANSPORT_ENABLED=true -p 8372:8372 earthly/buildkitd:v0.7.19

Omitting the options already discussed from the simple example:

  • -e BUILDKIT_TCP_TRANSPORT_ENABLED=true makes buildkitd listen on a TCP port instead of a Unix socket.

  • -p 8372:8372 forwards the hosts port 8372 to the containers port 8372. When using TCP, buildkit will always listen on 8372, but you can configure the apparent port by forwarding a different port on your host.

Assuming you ran this on another machine named fast-builder, you could use this remote buildkitd by setting EARTHLY_BUILDKIT_HOST=tcp://fast-builder:8372, or by specifying the address in your config.yml.

Using This Image


Privileged Mode

This image needs to be run as a privileged container. This is because buildkitd needs appropriate access to start and run additional containers itself via runc.


Because this folder sees a lot of traffic, its important that it remains fast. We strongly recommend using a Docker volume for mounting /tmp/earthly. If you do not, buildkitd can consume excessive disk space, operate very slowly, or it might not function correctly.

In some environments, not mounting /tmp/earthly as a Docker volume results in the following error:

--> WITH DOCKER RUN --privileged ...
rm: can't remove '/var/earthly/dind/...': Resource busy

External Usage

To use this image externally, it requires you to forward a port on your machine to the containers port 8372. You will need to ensure that external access to the machine on the port you chose is possible as well.

When using this container locally with earthly, please note that setting EARTHLY_BUILDKIT_HOST values with hosts, ::1/128, or localhost are considered local and will result in Earthly attempting to manage the BuildKit container itself. Consider using your hostname, or another alternative name in these cases.

Supported Environment Variables

Variable Name
Default Values


Additional buildkitd config to append to the generated configuration file.


Set to true when the buildkitd instance is going to be used remotely


Set to true when the buildkitd instance will require mTLS from the clients. You will also need to mount certificates into the right place (/etc/*.pem).


MTU of first default interface

Set this when we autodetect the MTU incorrectly. The device used for autodetection can be shown by the command ip route show | grep ^default | head -n 1 | sed 's|.* dev \(\w*\)\s.*|\1|'



Cleans out /tmp/earthly before running, if set to true. Useful when you host-mount an temporary directory across runs.



Specifies the networking mode of buildkitd. Default uses a CNI bridge network, configured with the CNI_MTU.



How big should the buildkitd cache be allowed to get, in MiB? 0 is unbounded.


Configure git config --global url.<url>.insteadOf rules used by buildkitd


Override which binary (iptables_nft or iptables_legacy) is used for configuring ip_tables. Only set this if autodetection fails for your platform.

Last updated

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