

Jenkins has multiple modes of operation, and each of them require some consideration when installing Earthly. These modes include:

  • Standalone, dedicated runners

  • Ephemeral cloud runners


Earthly has been tested with Jenkins in a standalone runner configuration, and using the Docker Cloud provider.


Setup (Standalone)

This should not differ in any meaningful way from the steps outlined in the overview.

Setup (Docker Cloud)

Assuming you are following the steps outlined in the overview, here are the additional things you need to configure:


Ensure that the Docker Cloud provider is installed and has a Docker daemon available. The Cloud provider does not provide a daemon.


You'll need to create your own runner image. Heres an example of what this might look like, when basing your runner off our earthly/earthly image:

RUN apk add --update --no-cache curl bash git git-lfs openssh-client openssl procps \
  && curl --create-dirs -fsSLo /usr/share/jenkins/agent.jar${VERSION}/remoting-${VERSION}.jar \
  && chmod 755 /usr/share/jenkins \
  && chmod 644 /usr/share/jenkins/agent.jar \
  && ln -sf /usr/share/jenkins/agent.jar /usr/share/jenkins/slave.jar \
  && apk del curl

VERSION is the version of the Jenkins runner to install.


Set DOCKER_HOST to point at a Docker daemon. This can easily be passed through by checking "Expose Docker Host" in the runner template configuration.

Additional Notes

earthly misinterprets the Jenkins environment as a terminal. To hide the ANSI color codes, set NO_COLOR to 1.



This example is not production ready, and is intended to showcase configuration needed to get Earthly off the ground. If you run into any issues, or need help, don't hesitate to reach out!

You can find our Jenkins example on GitHub.

To run it yourself, clone the ci-examples repository, and then run (from the root of the repository):

earthly ./jenkins+start

This will start a local Jenkins server, minimally configured to spawn earthly builds using the Docker cloud plugin.

To run a build in this demo, you will need to configure a build pipeline. To do that, we have an example project with a Jenkinsfile. To configure the build pipeline for the example project:

  • Choose "Pipeline", give it a name (we chose "test"), and click "OK".

  • Scroll down to the "Pipeline" section.

  • Make the following changes:

  • Once those changes are made, click "Save". Jenkins will navigate to the Pipelines' main page. Once there, click "Build Now"

  • Find the build in your build history, and watch it go!


If you broke the example environment, you can run earthly ./jenkins+cleanup to clean up before trying to run again from scratch.


The example purposely runs a Docker-In-Docker (DIND) container without TLS for simplicity. This is not a recommended configuration. Configuring TLS inside Docker.

To allow the docker client to access a daemon protected with TLS, you will need to add Jenkins credentials. Add the client key, certificate, and the server CA certificate as a credential. In our example, using the Docker Cloud provider, you can add them by choosing "Manage Jenkins", then "Manage Nodes and Clouds", and finally "Configure Clouds". Then, choose the cloud to configure for TLS, and click the "Add" button here:

Also, ensure that you are using the correct port for TLS. In this image of our example cloud, we are using port 2375, which is traditionally the insecure port for a docker daemon. In a TLS environment, docker expects port 2376.

If you are using an external earthly-buildkitd with Jenkins, you should be using mTLS. You will need to add the keys and certificates used there as credentials too.

Last updated

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